123 Main Street, New York, NY 10001

Streamline Your Compliance and Safety Processes

AMAS.aero's intuitive interface and comprehensive features make compliance and safety management simple and efficient.
AMAS.aero helps you easily track and manage your compliance and safety requirements, saving you time and effort.

Are you tired of struggling to manage your compliance and safety requirements in the aerospace industry? AMAS.aero is here to help. Our intuitive software allows you to track regulations, manage audits and inspections, and handle non-conformities with ease. Plus, our real-time reporting and performance monitoring features ensure you stay on top of any safety events or incidents.

Your One-Stop Solution for Compliance and Safety Management

Optimize and simplify your aerospace organization's compliance and safety processes with AMAS.aero's aerospace management solution.

Compliance Management


Track your different aerospace regulations and EASA safety publications with a monthly notification service.

Audits & Inspections

Compliance program for audit and inspection management and reporting.


Manage and monitor your compliance register and compliance list.

Standards & Regulations

Easily access your aerospace compliance database and standards.

Measure Management

Handle and monitor your non-conformities and tasks.

Information Collection

Central document register for all your controlled documents.


Create and manage your questionnaires and checklists.


Overview and quick access to your different reports and processing non-conformities.


Effortlessly manage, monitor, and distribute your manuals.


Overview and quick access to your different reports and processing non-conformities.

Safety Management


Submit safety reports, manage your events and incidents, and perform initial and final risk assessments.

Performance Monitoring

Manage your performance indicators, and monitor target values.

Hazards & Risks

Manage your hazards and risks and perform risk assessments.


Manage and schedule your meetings, create protocols and reviews, and perform surveys.

Management of Change

Manage your change management process, perform risk assessments, and make mitigation actions.

Why Choose AMAS.aero?

AMAS.aero gives users easy access to complex regulatory and legal content, and simplifies compliance monitoring management processes to make them easier and more efficient.

Developed by experts

We strive to improve your daily compliance management and are always looking for new options. We collaborate with industry and compliance experts to stay up-to-date. Our products are developed by compliance experts for compliance experts. AMAS.aero digitises compliance by transforming human knowledge and experience into a comprehensive digital solution. AMAS is developed by independent Swiss-based AeroEx and its worldwide network of leading subject matter experts.


Various search and filter functions


Online ticket system, documentation, videos, inside help,


Digitised and centralized compliance management allows you to communicate tasks clearly within your team and to keep records while monitoring every step of the process.


Keep track of what's important for your daily work. Company logo branded portal (white label). Dashboard with my notes, my favorites, news section and full text search.


On your smartphone, tablet or PC – Get your tasks done on any device on hand, wherever you are. Responsive design (smartphones, tablets and PCs)

Legal horizon scanning

With monthly updates on regulatory changes, you always have full control over your current compliance obligations.

Identify and implement

InSight doesn't just keep you informed about regulatory changes: With the integrated reporting tool, you can assign responsibilities, track changes, and follow up on the implementation.


Choose those compliance libraries that are relevant to your business, and you'll receive exactly the information you need.

Always up-to-date

Standards and Regulations provide you with always up-to-date compliance libraries including amendments, revisions and directives published by each responsible organisation.

Easy to handle

Copying paragraphs from PDF documents, sorting masses of Word files and updating confusing Excel tables is history. Comment, mark up and process regulations in the way that best suits your workflow.

API, Exchange

Link your regulation libraries with other applications and make your Compliance processes more effective.

At AMAS.aero, we understand the challenges of managing aerospace compliance and safety in a constantly changing industry. That’s why we’ve developed a comprehensive and user-friendly software solution to help you keep up with regulations, track obligations, plan and conduct audits, manage non-conformities, and more. With our intuitive platform and expert support, you can easily and efficiently maintain compliance and safety within your organization. Join our satisfied customers who trust AMAS.aero for their compliance and safety management needs.

Trusted by leading aerospace experts of organisations like


Customise your subscription package according to your needs.
pay monthly


starting from


CHF 6.576/year

incl. 1 user & 1 library bundle

Compliance & Safety

starting from


CHF 10.176/year

incl. 1 user & 1 library bundle


starting from


CHF 6.576/year

incl. 1 user & 1 library bundle

Contact us for tailored offers

Special Solutions for Small and Medium-Sized Companies

Optimize your management system, increase efficiency, and always have a clear oversight. Contact us today to learn more about AMAS.aero for small and medium-sized companies and benefit from our special conditions.

Introductory price for a limited time only

Special Package Deal for Maintenance Organizations

Save CHF/€ 3.424 per year with our compliance and safety package for MROs, including two users and the EASA Part-145 library.

Choose Your EASA Library Bundle

Other libraries (FAA, OTAR, UAE GCAA, Transport Canada, UK) available on request.

A Key Benefit You Want to Emphasize

Use this short paragraph to explain how you will deliver this benefit to the visitor if they decide to work with you.

CHF/€ 99 per month

CHF/€ 159 per month

CHF/€ 219 per month

Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, M, CAMO, ARO, ORO, CAT, SPA, OPS 1 Subpart Q, CS FTL.1, Part 26, CS 26, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A), SERA, AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting


ARA, CC, FCL, ORA, SERA and Occurrence Reporting


ARA, DTO, FCL, SERA and Occurrence Reporting


Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, ARO, ORO, SPA, NCC, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A), AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting

Air Ops Regulations

Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, ARO, ORO, CAT, SPA, NCC, NCO, SPO, CS FTL.1, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A)

Air Crew Regulations

Cover Regulation Aircrew, DEF Aircrew, FCL, MED, CC, ARA, ORA and DTO


Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, ARO, ORO, SPA, SPO, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A), AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting
Continuing Airworthiness Regulations
M, CAMO, CAO, ML, 145, 66, 147 and T


DEF ADR, AR, OR, OPS 1, CS-ADR-DSN, CS-HPT-DSN and Occurance Reporting



TCO/Third Country Op.

TCO, ART, SERA, AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting


CHF 129
per month for each bundle – if booked additionaly





ARA, CC, FCL, ORA, SERA and Occurrence Reporting


ARA, DTO, FCL, SERA and Occurrence Reporting

Continuing Airworthiness

M, CAMO, CAO, ML, 145, 66, 147 and T

Initial Airworthiness

21,26 and CS-26


DEF ADR, AR, OR, OPS 1, CS-ADR-DSN, CS-HPT-DSN and Occurrence Reporting

Unmanned Aircraft Systems

UAS.Operation (A,B, C, Appendix) and AUS & TCO


CHF 189
per month for each bundle – if booked additionally




Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, M, CAMO, ARO, ORO, CAT, SPA, OPS 1 Subpart Q, CS FTL.1, Part 26, CS 26, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A), SERA, AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting


Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, ARO, ORO, SPA, NCC, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A), AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting, SERA

Air Ops

Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, ARO, ORO, CAT, SPA, NCC, NCO, SPO, CS FTL.1, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A)

Air Crew

Cover Regulation Aircrew, DEF Aircrew, FCL, MED, CC, ARA, ORA and DTO


Cover Regulation Air Operations, DEF Air Operations, ARO, ORO, SPA, SPO, CS-FSTD (H), CS-FSTD (A), AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting, SERA



TCO/Third Country Op.

TCO, ART, SERA, AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting

CHF/€ 99

TCO/Third Country Op.

TCO, ART, SERA, AUR.ACAS, AUR.PBN and Occurrence Reporting


Supported Standards

International Standard for Business Aircraft Operations

International Standard for Business Aircraft Handlers

IATA Operational Safety Audit

IATA Safety Audit for Ground Operations

Wingman Safety Certification

Contact us for further information.

What Users are Saying About AMAS.aero

Our clients from various sectors in the aerospace industry share how our compliance and safety management solutions have transformed their operations. Read their reviews below.

Created for the Aerospace Industry

AMAS.aero is designed to be used by all organizations in the field of aerospace management systems

An Example of a Previous Project

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Client Testimonials

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Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name

Our Blog

A description of your blog and what the visitor could expect to find in it.

A Beginner’s Guide to Aerospace Compliance and Safety Management

Navigating the aerospace industry’s complex regulatory landscape can be challenging, especially for newcomers. Aerospace compliance management ensures that all operations adhere to stringent safety, regulations, and environmental standards. This comprehensive guide will delve into the intricacies of aerospace compliance management, offering valuable insights and practical advice for industry newcomers and veterans alike.

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Leveraging AI in Aerospace Compliance and Safety Management

In today’s rapidly evolving aerospace industry, maintaining compliance and ensuring safety are critical yet complex tasks. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into these processes can significantly enhance efficiency and reliability. AMAS.aero is leading this transformation with its advanced AI-driven features designed specifically for the aerospace sector.

Read More

Hangar Talk

Stay up-to-date on the latest developments in compliance and safety management in the aerospace industry.


Yes, you can test the full functionality of all AMAS.aero applications for free. Request your free 30 day trial here.

Yes, definitely. AeroEx experts track regulatory changes on a daily basis, keeping all databases up-to-date.
Yes, this works with AMAS API. Contact us for further information on our API solution.
The servers of the AMAS.aero platform are being managed by a German hosting company (IONOS by 1&1). The servers are located in a German data centre.
The AMAS.aero portals are backed up daily. The data is saved multiple times on different servers.
AeroEx continues to develop all existing applications and provide all updates to the subscribed customers for free. New applications can easily be included in the existing contract at the applicable rate if required.

Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us!

Book Your Demo Now!

Learn how to leverage AMAS.aero's features for your compliance and safety management.

Your price: CHF/€​ 5.900​/year